
Installing Cactus (progressiveCactus)


When installing Cactus (using the progressiveCactus repository) I encountered the following issues during compiling:

  1. easy_install not found Solution: Needed to remove my ~/.pydistutils.cfg

  2. Dependencies/includes not being found Solution: add CXXFLAGS=-I"<install_location>/include/" and CFLAGS=-I"<install_location>/include/" to <install_location>/share/

  3. kyototycoon not compiling as kyotocabinet functions not found (as in issue 27) Solution: (as in my comment to the issue)entering the kyototycoon directory and running configure with different flags, then make:

    ./configure --prefix=~/software --with-kc=~/software

    where ~/software is the prefix I am installing to (with subdirs bin, lib, include, man etc)

  4. Various cases of -ltokyocabinet not found, or other dependencies missing in the USCS submodules stages of compilation (which use makefiles but not configure, so don’t pick up Solution: add:

    cflags += -I"/nfs/users/nfs_j/jl11/software/include/" -L/nfs/users/nfs_j/jl11/software/lib

    to in submodules cactus, cactus2hal, hal, pinchesAndCacti and matchingAndOrdering

Hope that helps anyone who might have been struggling with similar compile issues!