
A latex bibliography style I like (Nature style in biblatex)


This isn’t really a specific question, but I needed to make a bibliography in latex with the following requirements:

  • The citations take up as little space as possible, so should probably be superscript
  • The citations should be correctly grouped (i.e. 1-3, 6 not 6, 2, 3, 1)
  • The bibliography can take up any amount of space
  • The citations should be linked to their bibliography entry (i.e. hyperref compatible)
  • bib entries contain unicode characters
  • I want the entries to look like the Elsevier standard, though Nature is also fine
  • I want DOIs, properly displayed and hyperlinked, not monospaced

The style=nature option supplied to biblatex in the preamble (see achieves most of this but you don’t get DOIs, there seemed to be some problems with unicode characters (particularly Polish names, see and there were some problems displaying URLs well

Rather than trying to hack together a biblatex.cfg based on the nature style which I didn’t understand/couldn’t be bothered to read through I instead was able to use a standard biblatex style with some options when loading the package:

maxnames = 5,

This gets pretty close, but I also needed to use the following biblatex.cfg (create this file in the same directory as the .tex file):

% Number in parenthesis
%  \setunit\*{\addcomma\space}% NEW
%  \setunit\*{\adddot}% DELETED
%  \setunit\*{\addcomma\space}% NEW

% Field formats for the bibliography environment (get rid of square brackets)

%Get rid of in:

%Get rid of pp.

%Make volume number emboldened

%Journal name in non-italics

%No quotes around article name

%Bibliography in smaller font size, and unjustified

%Hyperlinks in serif font

%DOI lower case, normal font

%Colon after author names

Which got me what I wanted:
